Stock Alerts

When a product is out of stock, the product page will have a Request Stock Alert button in place of the Add To Cart button. Stock Alerts are a useful tool for giving you an alert when an item is back in stock, and it can be invaluable for helping you secure the most sought after and difficult to source items.

Example of a Stock Alert button

You can view your active Stock Alerts in your Account Dashboard under the  Notifications Menu on the Account Dashboard. If you no longer require the item you added, you can remove Stock Alerts from this page as well. 

When the item is back in stock

When the item you requested an Alert for is back in stock, you'll immediately receive an email notification with a link to the product. All other interested parties will receive stock alerts at the same time, so it's generally a good idea to act quickly if you're still searching for the item. The most in demand products are sometimes purchased within minutes of a round of Stock Alert emails.

Once the Stock Alert email has been sent

Once you've received the notification email, the Stock Alert is completed, and you must add another Stock Alert in order to receive another notification.  

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