Favorites Lists
Make Your Purchasing Workflow More Efficient
Favorites Lists are a tool for organizing items into logical groupings for faster ordering. For example, you can create a List of items you regularly purchase, and then as often as you'd like, you can add some or all of the List items to your cart at the same time. Each List item can have its own unique quantity value saved, so you can easily reorder the quantity you need each time you add the List contents to your cart.
Common uses are Lists for items that you need to purchase regularly, and Lists for items that should be purchased in conjunction with one another (e.g. a specific repair that always requires the same three items), but Favorites Lists are versatile enough that they can be used for any purpose that you can imagine.
Creating A List
To create a Favorites Lists, navigate to the Favorites Lists tab from your Account Dashboard, and select Create New List. You'll then be prompted to add a List title and description. Once your List is created, navigate back to the main Favorites Lists page to see your newly created List.
You can also create a new List on the fly from any product page. Simply select the Favorites List link with the heart next to it, enter the name of your new List in the text field, and select Add To New List
Email Notifications For Price Changes
Another benefit to creating Lists is the option to be notified by email when a price reduction occurs. This option is turned on by default, so each time an item's price is lowered, you'll automatically receive an email alerting you.
If you'd like to turn this option off, navigate to Settings tab on the Edit List page, select the radio button titled No - Do not send me an email if a price reduction occurs., and then select Save Changes
Adding List Items To Your Cart
Select the box of one or more items from a List, select Add to Cart from the Actions dropdown menu, and select Apply Action
. If you just want to quickly add a single item from a List, you can simply select the Add to Cart button in that item's row.
You can any quantity of items to your cart, and a unique quantity for each item if you'd like, but by default, the quantity added to your cart is the quantity value saved in your List. You can change this value by modifying the value in the quantity input field, checking box for the corresponding item row, selecting Update Quantity from the Actions dropdown, and then selecting Apply Action
If you need to add List items to your cart in different quantities from what's saved in the List, you can save some time and select Update Quantities and Add to Cart from the Actions dropdown, and then Apply Action
will perform both actions at once.